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Saint-Denis, ateliers d'art des musées nationaux, moulage et chalcographie
The Spanish Civil War : July 1936 - March 1939.
The Spanish Civil War : July 1936 - March 1939.
The Spanish Civil War : July 1936 - March 1939.
The Spanish Civil War : July 1936 - March 1939.
18 images
The German Democratic Republic
The German Democratic Republic
Figures of the Second Empire
Figures of the Second Empire
"Napoleon in Saint Helena. The victory of memory".
"Napoleon in Saint Helena. The victory of memory".
Louise of Savoy
Louise of Savoy
The court ballet, a spectacle of power
The court ballet, a spectacle of power
Gaston Fébus (1331-1391), Sun Prince
Gaston Fébus (1331-1391), Sun Prince
Clovis (466-511)
Clovis (466-511)
1859: Italian Campaign
1859: Italian Campaign
Louis XIV, warrior king
Louis XIV, warrior king
The Hundred Days of Napoleon
The Hundred Days of Napoleon
Sovereign destinies.
Sovereign destinies.
Wars of Religion
Wars of Religion
Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie-Louise of Austria
Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie-Louise of Austria
Napoleon and Marie-Louise's wedding
Napoleon and Marie-Louise's wedding
The Battle of Wagram
The Battle of Wagram
Bonaparte and the Egyptian campaign of 1798
Bonaparte and the Egyptian campaign of 1798
Napoleon's Homes
Napoleon's Homes
Personal objects
Personal objects
Two abdications, two islands, two exiles
Two abdications, two islands, two exiles
Napoleon as depicted in portraits: the making of a legend
Napoleon as depicted in portraits: the making of a legend
of 1618
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