View image onlyDeux figures colossales drapéesLanfranco Giovanni (1582-1647) (attribué à)System identifier10-527377Inventory numberINV6309-rectoCollectionDrawingsDescription:Vers 1580-1600Period17th centurymodern ageTechnic/Materialblack chalk, brown ink, gouache, gouache highlighits, pen (drawing), wash with brown, white highlightsDimensionsHeight: 0.328 mLength: 0.235 mMode d'entréeAcquis pour le Cabinet du roi, Everhard Jabach 1671.LocalizationParis, musée du Louvre, D.A.G.Credit(C) GrandPalaisRmn (musée du Louvre) / Thierry Le MageKeywordscolossus, drapery, figure study, in the airSize4802 X 6407 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrint