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Second Empire furniture
Second Empire furniture

Second Empire - Napoleon III - furniture is distinguished by the eclecticism of its forms and its diverse pastiche of styles. There are numerous references to past styles and Louis XV and Louis XVI furniture is widely imitated. Eugenie, for a fervent admirer of Marie Antoinette, commissioned several pieces in the Louis XVI - Empress style, which was inspired by the forms popularized at the time of the Queen. In the residences of the Imperial couple, the living rooms were furnished in a variety of styles, mixing Louis XIII and Louis XV furniture and elements of neo-gothic decoration. 
The comfort associated with English interior design can also be found in the furniture of the Second Empire. Thus, the "comfortable" styles of padded armchairs found a place in bourgeois living rooms. Mechanized production processes and the beginning of industrialization paved the way to mass furniture production to meet the demands of this rapidly changing social class.
The most representative ébénistes of the period are: Fourdinois, Cruchet, Grohé, Quignon.
Diehl Charles-Guillaume (1811-1885)
Fremiet Emmanuel (1824-1910)
Paris, musée d'Orsay
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