View image onlyCroquis et notes manuscritesDrölling Michel-Martin (1786-1851)System identifier12-515982Inventory numberRF10743-14-folio7CollectionDrawingsDescription:Album Drolling Michel -1- Folio 7 dessiné au versoNote de l'image218553Period19th centurycontemporary period from 1789 until 1914Technic/MaterialblackleadDimensionsHeight: 0.106 mLength: 0.135 mMode d'entrée1927, legs, Etienne Moreau-NélatonLocalizationParis, musée du Louvre, D.A.G.Credit(C) Musée du Louvre, Dist. GrandPalaisRmn / Marc JeanneteauKeywordsannotation, sketchbook, studySize4652 X 5977 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrint