View image onlyVue groupée : divinité double et figure féminine plateSystem identifier14-509968Inventory numberNIII2425CollectionGreek, Etruscan and Roman antiquities Description:650-630 av J.-C.PeriodOrientalizing period (720-620 B.C)Production siteRhodes (île) (origine)Discovery siteCamiros (site) (origine)Technic/Materialclay, terracottaDimensionsHeight: 0.185 mLength: 0.1 mLocalizationParis, musée du LouvreCredit(C) GrandPalaisRmn (musée du Louvre) / Tony QuerrecKeywordsdivinity, statuette, two-headed, statuette, vue groupée, womanSize4141 X 3017 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrintRelated Images:View All