View image onlyLe général Forey Desmaisons Emile (1812-1880)photographe, graveur, System identifier09-578475Inventory numberC51.024.14CollectionPrintsPeriod19th centurycontemporary period from 1789 until 1914Technic/MateriallithographyDimensionsHeight: 0.288 mLength: 0.217 mMode d'entrée1951LocalizationCompiègne, château CreditUn justificatif supplémentaire est à envoyer au musée. (C) GrandPalaisRmn (Domaine de Compiègne) / image CompiègneKeywordsElie Frédéric Forey (1804-1872), folded arms (pose), general, Marshal of France, military uniform, portrait of a man, shoulder pad, to the waistSize2907 X 3888 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrint