View image onlyReligionsKupka Frantisek (1871-1957)painter, System identifier01-021285Inventory numberRF52492-rectoCollectionDrawingsDescription:Composition définitive destinée à la photogravure de la couverture du numéro spécial de "L'Assiette au Beurre" : Religions (n° 162, 7 mai 1904)Date1904Period20th centurycontemporary period from 1914 until todayTechnic/Materialbrush (drawing), dessin au crayon noir, gouache highlighits, India ink, pen (drawing), red ink, vellum paper (imitation), wash with ink, watercolourDimensionsHeight: 0.572 mLength: 0.428 mMode d'entréeAchat, 2001LocalizationParis, musée d'Orsay, conservé au musée du LouvreCredit(C) GrandPalaisRmn (musée d'Orsay) / Thierry Le MageAuthor rights:(C) ADAGP, ParisKeywordscaricature, coin, cover (magazine), eyes closed, hand (human body), hands joined together, head (human body), inscription, three-quarter right viewSize7272 X 9510 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrint